Ringworms on face

Ringworm is not any worm, but it is actually a fungal infection that is circular and is like a ring and red in color. The borders are raised compared to the entire infection. It is not painful but it definitely gives an itching sensation. Ringworms normally occur on the area that is moist and warm. Though it can occur in places face and scalp as well. Facial ringworm or ringworms on face is a very problematic thing as it is exposed and easily visible. It puts the people in a very embarrassing position. Often people gets nervous because the people around starts avoiding the infected individual and hence the infected person faces an isolation. But it is necessary to get ringworms treated as early as they appear.

Ringworms on face- Where and Why?
Ringworms on face may appear in the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks usually in men with beard. The worst part about this fungal infection is, it may appear in any age group and both in men and women. Similarly as in case of facial ringworm too, the infection is round in shape, with swelling. Each single individual might be the victim of ringworm. Normally children, who play outdoor games and come in constant contact with dirt, develop facial ringworm. Women or ladies get it due to the excess use of cosmetic products, which results into fungal infection. Men normally get it in the areas on the face covered with beard as it remains moist most of the times. It might look like a simple allergy, so a proper diagnosis is very urgent. Often people with low immunity get the attack of ringworm.

Treatment of facial ringworm
Once the infection is detected, it is urgent to rush to the doctor as soon as possible. The detection is very necessary. Doctors normally diagnose it with the help of microscope. Depending on the condition of the infection, the doctors prescribe medicine. Normally anti fungal topical ointments are prescribed to lessen the infection. Moreover that, tablets and capsules are also given to the infected individual to cure the ringworm on face. It is too make sure that the face never gets exposed to dirt, pollution and sweat. Often doctors suggest medicated face wash or medicated soap that heals the infection. The medication should continue till the time the infected person gets completely cured.

Natural remedies for facial ringworm
It is best to get treated from a Doctor rather than taking everything on own shoulder. But there are some home remedies certainly, which ensures cure for ringworm. It is very much required to wash the face daily. Not just that, washing the wound is of equal importance. Dabbing the wound with cotton ball soaked in warm water is required. A new cotton ball each time the patient washes it. Regular application of the topical ointment twice is required to dry away the infection fast.
Awareness is required to eradicate ringworm from our lives. A little care and an extra bit of consciousness are required to remove it from the root. Moreover there are thousand websites to gather information about it. Above all leading a hygienic life is the total solution to this problem.