Fish oil has numerous health benefits, mainly due to the presence of omega-3 essential fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in it. This oil can be included as it is in the diet or one can take supplements such as pills. Benefits of fish oil are

Relieves Pain and Inflammation

Fish oil being rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, especially eicosanoids, helps in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis and cystitis. One of the benefits is that it helps in preventing prostatitis, a condition very commonly experienced by men, in which the prostate gland inflammation takes place.

Maintains Healthy Skin:

There are numerous benefits of fish oil for skin. First of all, it helps in treating skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Secondly, it prohibits the formation of androgen, thus reducing the sebum production and clearing the skin off acne. Also, being anti-bacterial in nature, fish oil reduces the bacteria on skin, thus lessening the chances of a person developing acne or other skin problems. It keeps the skin well-moisturized from within, thus delaying the onset of wrinkles and keeping the skin ever glowing.

Maintains Heart Health:

It helps in maintaining the health of the heart. Fish oil is known to lower the bad cholesterol, increase the good cholesterol and at the same time, maintain the right blood pressure. It prevents the plaque from building on the walls of the arteries. This helps in preventing heart stroke or heart failure in a person.

Improves Immunity:

Including fish oil in one's diet enhances the immunity to a great extent. It activates the cytokines and eicosanoids in the body, which serve as great immunity boosters. So, a person taking fish oil is very less likely to suffer from diseases such as cold and flu, which usually occur due to lowered immunity.

Maintains Mental Health:

Researches have shown that supplementing one's diet with fish oil, a person's focus and concentration improves. It is known to improve reasoning and logic in a person too. Moreover, fish oil is known to make a person calm and happy, relieving him of stress or depression. Thus, it is a very good diet ingredient to foster intelligence as well as to make a person happy.

Aids in Treating Childhood Disorders:

In children it is very helpful for those who suffer from disorders like ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and many other compulsive disorders. In fact pregnant women who supplement their diet with fish oil are more likely to give birth to intelligent and healthy children.

Aids in Hair Growth:

Fish oil being rich in proteins, is a very good nourishment for the hair follicles, as hair too is made up of proteins. Thus, the benefits of fish oil for hair are immense. It makes the hair long, healthy, shiny and thick.

Aids in Weight Loss:

Fish oil taken in diet when combined with a regular exercise routine, is known to aid in weight loss. Researchers have shown that taking this oil keeps the body fit and in shape.

Reduces Incidence of Cancers:

It is seen that taking fish oil prevents certain cancers such as those of the breast, prostate and colon. This is one of the major benefit of fish oil.