Gluten free snacks

Gluten free snacks can be created in your very own cooking area. With the help of simple things you can make this kind of experience much more fun, instructional, and stuffed with quality time. Snacks without gluten are not that tasteless as many folks think they're. The supposition that gluten free implies no tastes or flavoring is inappropriate. These snacks are not only seen healthy but in addition delicious and therefore are popping up just about everywhere. A popular dish could be cookies which can be tasty at the same time fulfill your gluten free requirements. So for that you need to learn how to make gluten free cookies for your tasty snacks.

 Well here are some healthy gluten free cookies recipes that will surely allow you to feel like you're being good while still tasting deliciousness.

1. Flourless Chocolate Chewies: A great alternative that is healthy and tasty is nuts. They are one of the few foods that are really really good for you, like eat them every day and you will be better off for it. This is because of the healthy fats, the numerous nutrients and vitamins and their ability to remove plaque from arteries. Here's what you need for these tasty treats:
Confectioner's Sugar: 2 lbs.
Cocoa Powder: 6 oz.
Egg whites: 12 whites/oz.
Salt: 1 tsp
Vanilla extract: 1 tsp
Walnuts (or other nut): 1 lb chopped coarsely
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place parchment paper on the cookie sheets
Combine all the ingredients working in the nuts last, folding them over
Drop the mixture into tablespoon size bites about 3 inches from each other
Bake them for about 12 minutes or until they're slightly firm to the touch
When they're done you should have about two dozen. Enjoy and if you can't eat them all at once, store them in an airtight container - they'll be good for about a week.

2. Chocolate and nuts are not for everyone, so here's another light and delicious gluten free snack: macaroons. Here's what you will need:
Almond Flour: 4oz
Brown Sugar: 1 oz
Cocoa Powder: 1 ½ Tbsp
Egg whites: 3 large
Confectioner's Sugar: 2 oz
Red food coloring 1 drop
Preheat the oven to 450 and place parchment paper on the cookie sheets
Combine the almond flour, brown sugar, cocoa powder
In a different bowl, whip those egg whites until soft peaks form
Slowly add the confectioner's sugar to the first mix with a drop of red food coloring to bring out the chocolatey color of the cocoa powder.
Continue whipping the egg whites until the peaks harden
Fold in the first mixture
Fill a piping bag with a ½ inch tip and squeeze out 1 inch tips onto the cookie sheet
Bake for 1 minute and remove to double pan
Turn down the oven to 375 and put them back in for about 8- 10 minutes or until they're dry
Remove the cookies and pour ¼ cup of water onto the cookie sheet under the parchment paper
Let the water rest for a few minutes and then pour it off
Remove with spatula
If you want to add a hint of chocolate, you can make spread a ganache by following these steps:
Simmer 6 oz of heavy cream
Pour it over 4 oz of semi sweet chocolate and mix
Spread over the cookies

These two gluten free cookies recipes will be sure to amaze even those friends and family members who don't watch what they eat. Try them both! I bet you didn't know gluten free cookies could be so good.