With the improvement in the field of
medical science the treatment for every disease have changed and it is now very
easy for a doctor to treat any problem with the help of modern medical tools
and treatments. Yeast infection is very common among men. The treatments for
male affected by yeast infection are similar as the treatments for women. The bacteria
are considered as the main reason causing yeast infection among men. A medication is considered as the
new method of providing quick relief to a person. One of the most frequently prescribed
creams is Monistat. This cream is specialized in treating male yeast infection.
It is an anti fungal cream and can be applied on the infected region
externally. Doctor even prescribes Vagisil cream to the patient to provide them
temporary relief from the burning sensation caused by this infection. Nizoral
and diflution are some common medicines that can reduce the effect of these
dangerous bacteria. The person suffering from frequent yeast infection should
not waste time and consult doctor.
Person suffering from diabetes are
prone to yeast infection and so they should be treated carefully. In few time
diagnosis reveals that person having yeast infection is prone to HIV and the
situation should be handled carefully. The best way to handle this problem is
having a proper diet plan. There are few natural treatments for
yeast infection in our body. These natural treatments are safe and provides a
complete cure. Vinegar is one of natural method treating yeast infection. When
vinegar is applied to the infected area it reduces the itchiness and provides
quick relief. Essential oil is another form of natural treatment. It provides
relief from soreness. Tea oil when applied to the affected region provides
relief from pain and itchiness. The tea oil is usually diluted and then applied
on the skin. Doctor advice the patients take yogurt everyday as this improves
the immune system of our body. The yogurt has a high percentage of bacteria
that are good for human health. These bacteria help to reduce the growth of yeast
infection. The balance between good bacteria and sugar level is well
maintained. The yogurts as it is sugar free it helps to reduce the growth of
fat in our body. The increase in fat and sugar level triggers the growth of bacteria
and so regular consumption of yogurt is always advised.
Garlic is another form of natural
remedy for yeast infection. The patients are advised to rub the garlic on the
affected region for three days at regular interval. Walnuts, chamomile and even
licorice are some other forms of natural treatments. These products are easily
available in our house and can provide us a speedy recovery. These natural
herbs are usually eaten and can in turn provide relief from itchiness. People
having a family history of yeast infection should have regular check up and if any
person is having problems of itchiness and soreness must immediately seek a
doctor’s advice. Don’t risk your life as in a few cases it can cause HIV and
severe problems in our immune system.